It is quite moving that the entire books of Luke and Acts were written to convince and convert one man, Theophilus, to Christ. Saint Luke went through the rigour of comparing scriptures, meeting eyewitnesses, and painstakingly penning down accurate details for one man’s salvation. But beyond the stress Luke went through to write the accounts, think of those who featured in the stories but never knew that their acts would one day be parts of the Bible we read today. Perhaps some of them would have done better had they thought of how far their deeds would go as well as the repercussions.
But ask yourself today, “Am I walking worthy of God?” Are you living out the Christ-like life that people can take as their Bible? If the Bible is to be rewritten and your name included this time around, what kind of character will you feature as, judging by your lifestyle now?
Apostle Paul in today’s Bible reading explained that we can walk worthy of the Father by being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in knowing Him, which is eternal life. These attributes of fruitfulness and knowledge of God (that is, a close relationship with Him) are marks of the true, Christian life. But one comes before the other – if we must bear fruits of righteousness, then we must have a personal relationship with Christ. Then righteousness will be fruits (actual evidence of growth), not works (as human efforts). As believers who are rooted in Christ, we don’t struggle to be righteous. Righteousness becomes our natural response to God’s redeeming grace in us. But the implication here is very serious; if we are not walking worthy of God, then our values must be reviewed, and our version of Christianity discarded.