About Us

The word of God is sufficient unto us...

About The Sacred Peace Movement

The World International Sacred Peace Movement, is an Organ of our Lord Jesus Christ. And organ because, it plays a single role as a member of Christ’s body. A single role she plays is a universal love
We love the Almighty God and we love our fellow men and women universally..

LOVE OF GOD: We obey the Almighty God, and honor Him through our Lord Jesus Christ.

LOVE OF MANKIND: Those things we know that are bad for us will not be applied to other persons. We hate tribal hatred, racial discrimination, greed, denominational discriminations, selfishness, envy and violence. We lay strong emphasis in the Holy scriptures. We love to help the under-privileged, the poor, the widows and the orphans. The World International Sacred Peace Movement was not founded by anybody. God entered into purified men in Christ, they gathered themselves in Okinawa, where they agreed spiritually to research more about Christ and to live according to Christ’s will. She came to Nigeria through a Principal of APAPA CHRISTIAN COMMERCIAL SECONDRY SCHOOL. This good news was introduced to James Uche. The Sacred Peace Movement started to spread in Nigeria gradually, leaving no stone unturned. The Sacred Peace Movement belongs to the seed of the Woman.

SEED OF THE WOMAN: We are not members of noise making group as it was found in mount Sinai by the revolted children of Israel, or in Israel during the time of Elijah. Members of the Sacred Peace Movement surrendered themselves to Almighty God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We do not forget to apply self control. Our watchwords are prayers, meditations and fasting. We are governed by the Holy Spirit, which is calm, dedicated to peace, love, joy, long-suffering and abundant wisdom without noise making.

OUR AIM: To take care of the poor, to maintain the under-privileged, to take care of the orphans, widows, old men and women. We are also taking care of areas devastated by wars or inter-tribal wars, particularly the refugees. We are not looking for numerous members but, we are looking for men and women of goodwill who worship God in truth and in spirit through our Lord Jesus Christ. But we believe on what we can do to bring the suffering men and women to happiness.

TASK: The World International Sacred Peace Movement (Grouped Soul) is headquartered in Lagos and has many Assembly Halls all over the Federation. We have built a life saving project with clinics, schools, food production factories, large farm-lands for producing food, etc. all for the under-privileged. We do not publise ourselves, we move silently and quietly, as we are expecting a new era which must be born by our Lord Jesus Christ. Our happiness is sure because we belong to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ.

APPEAL: The Sacred Peace Movement is a member of Christ’s body. We are expecting to get the Kingdom of God here on earth first, until we enter into the Kingdom of God, when our Lord Jesus Christ comes. We need brethren who love Christ in the Spirit, who believe that Christ must come again; who believe also that God is love, who believe in destroying denominationdom, who surrendered themselves to the Almighty God through our Lord Jesus Christ and who take dictation from their spirit rather than from their souls.

UNITY IN GOD: We do not believe in political religion. Every good Muslim knows that Christ is the son of God and he will reign in glory. Every good Christian knows that Mohammed is a prophet of God, he brought the message of goodwill to the Arabian World. Both religious bodies believe in one God, love, peace and unity. We pray that the Almighty God will revive the spirit of men and women of goodwill who will not pay lip services to God and Christ, but worship Him in spirit and in truth. Let us gather together and destroy the power of denominationdom, which is crushing fast the spirit of Godliness and love in Christ Jesus.

May the Almighty God bless you all and strengthen His own people in Jesus Christ name…Amen.

Our Mission
Disciplining A whole Nation in one Generation

What We believe

The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the only source of knowledge of the Almighty God to all mankind. It is the contact point between finite man with the infinite God; and its prime purpose is to give mankind the revelation of God

The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are three distinct personalities, co-eternal, co-existent and equal in power and divine attribute

The only begotten Son of God was born of a virgin confirmed Christ’s Deity, sinless man conceived without Adamic depravity, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His burial, His bodily resurrection and His ascension to the right hand of the Father and His personal return in power and glory. He is the head of His body-The Church,

Total Depravity, Sinfulness and Guilt of All Men. The Salvation of the lost and Sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit

The gift of the Holy Spirit which is calm, dedicated to peace, love, joy, long-suffering and abundant wisdom without noise making.

We believe in repentance as a complete turning away from all sins and its deceitful pleasure and it is required from every sinner before he can truly and effectively believe in Jesus with saving faith

We believe in restitution so as to have a conscience void of offence toward God and men

We believe in water baptism by immersion only ONCE and not THRICE

We believe in stewardship for all assets evidenced in generous giving, offerings, help under-privilege

Our watchwords are prayers, fasting and meditation.

Who Should Join

We are members of Christ body:
Who surrender themselves to the Almighty God through our Lord Jesus Christ;
Whose purpose is to carry forward the purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth;

Anybody and everybody regardless of religious background, present creed or past mistakes can be a member of the World International Sacred Peace Movement.