By WISPM Media, Date 22 Feb 2025


Hebrews 11:36-38


(Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth (Hebrews 11:38)


In one of the episodes of The Chosen, a TV drama series about Jesus’ earthly ministry, Little James, one of the disciples, had an insightful talk with the Lord when He sent them on a mission – to go and preach the gospel, with the power to cast out demons and heal the sick (Luke 9:1-6).

But Little James, who limps on one of his feet and as such uses a walking stick, had a problem with the mission. So, he approached Christ and asked how come He has refused to heal him but is sending him out to heal the sick. The Master’s reply was unexpected: “Because I trust you. Imagine how many lives your story will touch and transform when men find out that you still hold on firmly to God Who is yet to heal you, while you are using His power for other people’s good. The Father has very few persons like you He can trust with this kind of work.” Hearing this, Little James was moved to tears to learn that as embarrassing as his condition seemed, it represented God’s honour and grace upon his life to do exploits. He never complained again.

Child of God, what kind of fire are you going through today for Christ’s sake? The heat may seem too much to bear, but it’s light to others. So, keep burning for God. You are His special delight, because of what He is using your situation to do secretly in other people’s lives. You may appear as an object of shame and ridicule to unbelievers due to your situations, but in the sight of God, you are His special and precious gem (Isaiah 43:4).


Lord Jesus Christ, please grant me the grace to hold on to my faith in You, no matter what I go through in life. Encourage me to encourage others; I pray in Your holy name, Amen.

A publication of: The World International Sacred Peace Movement - Grouped Soul.

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